About us

About us

ATA LEGAL SERVICES is a law firm established and operated by acknowledged and experienced lawyers. Our operational goal is to become a law firm providing flexible and comprehensive legal services to both institutional and individual, and both local and international clients. Of which, one of our cores is in-depth corporate legal service.


Our motto is to accompany understanding and dedication to clients. Therefore, we assure you that ATA was, be, and will provide to clients the most reliable, effective, and appropriate services.


All partners, lawyers, advisors, consultants, and even paralegals of ATA Legal Services are well-trained and have years of experience in the areas they are in charge of. In particular, the partners of ATA have all consulted and worked for renowned economic groups, banks, or securities companies such as Vingroup, FLC, DNP, Tasco, Techcombank, SHB, SHS, VPS, etc.


Our main legal services include:

  1. Merger & Acquisition;
  2. Corporate legal isssues, including but not limited to: Laws compliance, corporate compliance, labor, finance, shareholders & shares matters, contractual matters, etc.
  3. Investment and business operation;
  4. Taxation;
  5. Unfair competition and antitrust;
  6. Real estate and construction;
  7. Licensing procedures;
  8. Intellectual property and transfer of intellectual property rights;
  9. Consumer Protection;
  10. Inheritance, marriage and family, and other civil issues;
  11. Dispute resolution.


The desire, perseverance, and spirit of wholehearted service are the backbone of ATA Legal Services. During our operation, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our knowledge and expertise and constantly ask ourselves: “What is the added value from the service we provide to our clients?” With the motto of not only advising to solve difficulties but also assisting clients in risk management, with the experience and understanding of both the law and socio-economic life of ATA Legal Services lawyers, we always strive to provide the most comprehensive solutions for our clients.