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Overcoming numerous difficulties and challenges, with the spirit of unity and the extraordinary efforts of all members, ATA has had a solid year of development.

* 2023 - ATA expanded its Client base while maintaining service quality, earning high Clients praise. As a result, most Clients continued to reuse or engage in additional services and referred more clients to ATA after contract completion.

* 2023 - ATA regularly issued articles, specialized publications, legal updates, and legal research products with compelling content, bringing significant benefits to Clients and the community.

* 2023 - ATA achieved revenue in line with the set plan.

* 2023 - ATA ensured stable employee livelihoods, focusing on internal training and staff capacity development.

ATA is proud of its achievements in 2023 and has absolute confidence in the prospects for 2024!

On this occasion, ATA would like to sincerely thank Clients for their trust and appreciation; Partners and Colleagues for their constant support; and Members, Collaborators, Lawyers, and Legal assistants for their solidarity and unity.

From ATA with Love!


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