2023-04-21 16:24:48 1062

Extension of time limit for payment in the fiscal year for 04 types of taxes, financial obligations include: (i) value-added tax; (ii) corporate income tax; (iii) personal income tax; and (iv) land rent (hereinafter referred to as "Tax") is one of the solutions to minimize difficulties and support businesses and individuals in the post-Covid-19 difficult period.

In 2022, this will be done according to the guidance in Decree 34/2022/ND-CP dated May 28, 2022 ("Decree 34").In 2023, the Government will continue to maintain support measures. Recently, on April 14, 2023, the Government issued Decree 12/2023/ND-CP further allowing the extension of the payment deadline in 2023 for the above taxes (“Decree 12”) ).

Below, ATA would like to summarize and analyze the main contents of Decree 12 for customers to pay attention to:

1. Remove credit institutions and foreign bank branches from subjects eligible for an extension of tax payment time limit

Basically, Decree 12 keeps most of the subjects that have been applied to extend the tax payment deadline under Decree 34.

However, Decree 12 has removed a group of beneficiaries of this policy, that is, credit institutions and foreign bank branches that implement solutions to support customers who are businesses, organizations, and individuals who are subject to financial hardship. affected by the Covid-19 epidemic according to regulations of the State Bank of Vietnam.

2. Tax payment extension deadline

The applicable tax period and tax payment extension time limit for each type of tax are specified in Decree 12 as follows:


Value Added Tax (VAT)

Corporate income tax

Personal income tax

Land rent

Applicable tax period

(declared by month)


From March to August 2023

(declared quarterly)


The first and second quarters of 2023

Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2023

The whole year 2023

50% of the land rent arising in 2023

Tax payment extension time

- VAT from March to May 2023: extended for 6 months


Tax payment deadlines for March, May, and April are: October 21, November 21 and December 21, respectively;


- VAT June 2023: extended for 5 months


- VAT in July 2012: extension for 4 months.


- VAT August 2022: extension for 3 months.


Tax payment deadline for the months of June, August and August is December 21, 2023


- VAT in the first quarter of 2023: 06 months


Tax payment deadline is October 31, 2023).


- VAT in the second quarter of 2023: 05 months


Tax payment deadline is December 31, 2023.

3 months

No later than December 30, 2023

6 months from My 31, 2023

3. Necessary notes when declaring and requesting an extension of tax payment deadline

  • The deadline for submitting an extension request is September 30, 2023. If paying after this time, the subjects entitled to the extension of the tax payment deadline under Decree 12 will not be entitled to the extension of the tax payment deadline.
  • Subjects eligible for an extension of tax payment deadline under Decree 12 and those who directly declare and pay tax with tax authorities shall send a written request for an extension of tax payment and land rent, made according to the form of Decree 12, to the tax authority. direct tax.
  • Subjects eligible for an extension of tax payment time limit shall determine and take responsibility for the extension request. Tax authorities are not required to notify taxpayers of their approval of the tax payment extension. However, the tax authority will notify when the applicant is not eligible for tax payment extension under Decree 12.

Decree 12 takes effect from April 14, 2023, to the end of December 31, 2023.


Từ khóa:  Decree 12/2023/ND-CP




tax payment extension




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