2022-09-30 17:17:00 9623

In accordance with the 2020 Law on Residence, residential information shall be integrated into the citizen identification card (“CIC”) with electronic chip, replacing family registers and temporary residence registers. Article 38.3 of the 2020 Law on Residence determined that family registers and temporary residence registers shall be valid until the end of 31/12/2022. When citizens carry out residence registration and declaration procedures, leading to changes in information in their family registers and temporary residence registers, the residence registration authority shall:

  • Revoke the issued family register and temporary residence register;
  • Adjust and update information in the Residence Database;
  • Not renew or reissue family register or temporary residence register.

Simultaneously, from January 1, 2023, either family register or temporary residence register shall no longer be required for any administrative procedures and transactions; and of course, all administrative procedures related to family registers or temporary residence registers shall also be abolished.

In relevance to this, what should citizen do to verify residential information without having citizen identity card with chip?

Recently, on 22/8/2022, the National Police Department on Administrative Management of Social Order – Ministry of Public Security has issued Documentary No. 5672/C06-TTDLDC (“Documentary 5672”) on the cooperation of implementing the 2020 Law on Residence, in which, guiding the use citizen information instead of presenting family registers or temporary residence registers. Accordingly, besides chip-attached CICs, citizens can use the following methods to verify residence information:

  1. Access and use personal information online in the Residence Database at the address:
  2. Use the VneID application being integrated with electronic identification accounts (the contents related to the account have been guided in Decree No. 59/2022/ND-CP dated September 05, 2022 and updated by ATA here).
  3. Use the Certificate of Residential Information: Citizens directly request the residence registration authorities nationwide regardless of the citizen’s residence or send the request via online public service (National Public Service Portal, Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security and Residence Management Public Service Portal) for a Certificate of Residential Information in either written or electronic form. The Certificate shall be valid for 30 days (or 6 months, in case of residential declaration of non-permanent resident or non-temporary resident people) from the issuance date.
  4. Use the Notification of personal identification number and information in the National Population Database: The Ministry of Public Security has directed the issuance of Notification of identification numbers and information in the National Population Database to 100% of citizens who have yet been granted CIC nationwide (according to Notice No. 62/TB-VPCP dated 01/03/2022 on the conclusion of the Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at the Conference on the development project of data applications on population, identification and electronic authentication for national digital transformation in the period of 2022-2025, with a vision to 2030).  For citizens whose CIC, ID card or Birth Certificate has their personal identification number information, the identification number shall be the number of their CIC/ID card and personal identification in the Birth Certificate.

In case a citizen still requests for a notification of his/her personal identification number and information in the National Population Database, the citizen or his/her legal representative may request the commune-level Police where the citizen resides to issue a Notice of personal identification number and information in the National Population Database according to Form No. 01 attached to Circular No. 59/2021/TT-BCA dated 15/5/2021.

Currently, there are no legal documents forcing citizens to obtain CICs with electronic chips. Therefore, ID card or barcode CCCD (without electronic chips) are still valid. Citizens do not have to exchange a CIC with electronic chips if they are not subject to cases specified in Articles 21 and 23 of the 2014 Law on Citizen Identification.

However, in our opinion, given the benefits of the chip-attached CIC, citizens should still complete the registration to obtain it in advance of December 31, 2022. Chip-attached CIC can store more information and integrate necessary data such as permanent residence, temporary residence, residence, health insurance, social insurance, bank accounts, driver’s licenses and other valuable documents. This card shall assist citizens in performing most transactions and administrative procedures without having to present many types of documents, hence, reducing time and costs for notarization, as well as preventing fraudulent documents.


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