2023-03-17 17:18:39 563

On March 07, 2023, the Government issued Resolution No. 31/NQ-CP ("Resolution 31") regular meeting of the Government in February 2023. Accordingly, Resolution 31 emphasizes a number of policies to remove difficulties for enterprises and citizens and to promote socio-economic development. Specifically, the Government assigns Ministries and sectors to the research and implementation of the following plans and policies:

1. Regarding transportation sector:

  1. Resolution 31 unwinds obstacles of the laws transportation to diversify and maximize legal resources (state, private, central and local), in which, it allows provincial governments to use the local budget to invest in traffic works under the expenditure targets of the central budget through the province or tp invest in traffic works through the administrative boundaries of the two provinces and cities, and localities support each other's budget.
  2. Provide solutions to handle the congestion in registration activities, ensuring normal operation in March 2023.

2. Regarding financial and taxation sectors:

  1. The projects of exemption, reduction, postponement, extension of taxes, fees, charges, land rent, land use fees for enterprises and citizens applicable in March 2023.
  2. Policies on extension of payment period for special consumption tax, preferential registration fees for domestically manufactured and assembled automobiles.
  3. Global minimum tax mechanism.

3. Regarding real estate sector:

Provide a resolution on solutions to handle and promote a healthy, safe and sustainable real estate market.

4. Regarding credit sector:

  1. Credit policy towards production and business sectors, priority sectors and growing motivations;
  2. Control credit risks for potential risky areas;
  3. Reduce the loan interest rates, increase capital accessibility of enterprises and citizens, ensuring reasonable, effective interest rates, and complying with requirements of inflation control;
  4. Review and propose the amendment of Decree No. 31/2022/ND-CP on support on interest rates from the state budget for loans of enterprises, cooperatives, and business households.

5. Regarding labour – Salary – Insurance sectors:

  1. Issue a Decree governing the pensions, social insurance benefits, and allowances in a monthly basis;
  2. Solutions to develop participants in social insurance and health insurance; to urge collection and reduction of social insurance debts; to strengthen the unscheduled inspection, promptly handling violations in the field of social insurance and health insurance; to timely settle and pay benefits on social insurance, unemployment insurance, health insurance.

6. Regarding investment sector:

  1. Consider reducing cumbersome and unnecessary administrative procedures to reduce compliance costs, shorten the time to carry out administrative procedures of enterprises and civilians;
  2. Propose to reduce the list of conditional business investment lines, and reducing and simplifying business conditions. Do not provide additional conditions to create barriers to investment and business.
  3. Strictly forbidding the agencies, authorities, cadres, and civil servants to make additional requests on dossiers for administrative procedures in contrary to or regardless the regulations.


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