2023-09-29 20:02:51 984

In order to strengthen the management of construction and return of road transport infrastructure in Hanoi, the Hanoi People's Committee has issued Decision 24/2023/QD-UBND ("Decision 24") dated 25/09/2023 guiding investors in the implementation of works on road transport infrastructure (hereinafter referred to as “Infrastructure”) administered by the city of Hanoi. Infrastructure covered by Decision 24 includes: roads (including roadbed, pavement, curbs and pavements); road bridges (river crossings, ravine overpasses, urban overpasses, road overpasses, railway overpasses) including pedestrian bridges; road tunnels (underground tunnels across rivers, tunnels through roads, tunnels through railways, tunnels in urban areas) including pedestrian tunnels; ferry terminals, road pontoon bridges, underground roads, overflow roads.

Below, ATA will update some regulations that investors and construction units must comply with during the implementation of construction on the Infrastructure and return to the Post-Construction Infrastructure.

1. For construction work on infrastructure

a. Conditions to be constructed on the Infrastructure:

  • Be approved by the road management agency for the construction of works within the scope of infrastructure protection (right from the step of project formulation, basic design or technical economic report, construction drawing design).
  • Having a traffic organization plan in accordance with the construction organization measure approved by the road management agency and notified on the mass media before starting the construction.
  • For dikes combining traffic before construction, the unanimous opinion of the dike management agency must be obtained on the repair plan.

b. Works to be performed during construction preparation:

  • To notify local authorities and road management units of project information, commencement date, completion date, construction deadline, traffic organization plan for construction.
  • The construction permit must be posted at the office of the Site  Management Board and appoint people to be present at the site to direct the construction, receive and solve problems related to the construction of the work.
  • From the date of handover of the premises, assume all responsibilities for managing and ensuring traffic safety, labor safety and environmental sanitation in accordance with regulations on construction on the road under operation.
  • Implement the barrier plan, the traffic organization plan according to the approved dossier; Official construction of items may only be carried out when the barrier plan, traffic organization have been agreed upon by the licensing agency and related units.

c. Responsibilities during the implementation of construction work:

  • Construction time: from 22h00 the previous day to 05h00 the next day, for areas without traffic congestion and ensuring traffic safety; temporarily suspend the construction of works during annual public holidays and Tet holidays.
  • When constructing, measures must be taken to ensure people's daily life and production activities of agencies, organizations and people around the scope of construction, ensuring environmental sanitation.
  • When excavating and cutting across the road, it is allowed to dig no more than 1/2 of the road surface, return the finished road surface to no more than the remaining 1/2 of the road surface; for construction on the pavement, measures must be taken to temporarily ensure the service of pedestrians; for construction works on routes with high traffic density,  It is necessary to have a plan to organize construction in each section and temporarily return the site at night to ensure traffic safety and avoid traffic jams.
  • The construction must ensure that it does not cause major impacts and can be returned to the original status quo for the Infrastructure Structures.
  • For works with a large excavation depth, during the construction process, if there is a crack in the excavation pit wall, the surrounding road surface and pavement must immediately stop construction and find appropriate measures to ensure landslide prevention and handle damage around the excavation track.

2. For the return of post-construction infrastructure

a. The refund plan must be complied with in the dossier attached to the granted license; if there is a change from the approved design, the investor must adjust the design and submit it to the competent authority for a new construction permit or adjustment of the construction permit.

b. The return construction must ensure technical requirements and quality of the infrastructure according to the approved design in parallel with ensuring aesthetics and urban aesthetics.

c. Allow temporary return of infrastructure to ensure safety and prevent traffic congestion but only maintain up to 48 hours, after the above time, the structure must be returned in accordance with the approved design.

d. The investor is responsible for the warranty of the return work until the construction permit agency confirms the expiration of the warranty period as prescribed. In all cases of failure to ensure the quality and aesthetics of the infrastructure such as subsidence, cracks, peeling ..., the Investor is responsible for repairing and remedying within 48 hours after receiving the notice of the competent authority. Investors who fail to repair and remedy within the warranty period promptly, may not be granted construction permits for other works performed by this Investor in the City.

Decision 24 is effective as of October 5, 2023./.


Từ khóa:  Decision 24/2023/QD-UBND








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