2023-03-24 17:29:18 800

On March 19, 2023, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 261/QD-TTg ("Decision 261") on recognizing FPT office complex as a centralized information technology park ("Centralized IT Park"). From this date, FPT office complex will operate according to the functions and tasks of the centralized IT park and be enjoyed preferential policies according to Decree 154/2013/ND-CP ("Decree 154").

The development of centralized IT parks is identified as one of the national focus orientations and priorities to create infrastructure for technology application and development, promoting the development of the technology industry.  Below ATA Legal Services will introduce some preferential policies for centralized IT Parks, as follows:

1. Some support policies and incentives for investors

  • To be supported by the State to invest in providing technical infrastructure systems inside and outside the zone, supporting site clearance, facilitating procedures for land allocation and land lease.

In addition, for concentrated IT parks invested with capital sources outside the state budget, depending on the actual conditions of each zone, the State may consider giving priority to partial funding support for detailed planning and investment preparation, site clearance and construction of general technical infrastructure of the zone.

  • To receive a 50% reduction in land use levy and payable land rent. In addition, land use fees are exempt for land for the construction of non-business technical and social infrastructure works.
  • To be enjoyed preferential policies on electricity, water, telecommunications, and investment credit.
  • To mobilize capital in the form of project bonds, from land funds or in the form of subleasing part or all the unleased land area to investors for investment and sublease for the implementation of infrastructure construction projects of functional areas.

2. Some support policies and incentives for organizations and businesses operating in centralized IT zones

  • To apply a CIT rate of 10% for 15 years, in special cases, to be extended to 30 years; be exempted from tax for 04 years and reduce 50% of payable tax in the next 09 years for CIT from the implementation of new investment projects in concentrated IT parks;
  • Import tax exemption when importing goods creating fixed assets, serving the production of IT products and services of enterprises such as equipment, machinery, means of transport, components, parts, bulk parts, etc. or domestically unproduced construction materials ;
  • To be facilitated in customs procedures, entitled to export tax incentives, investment credit incentives, export credits and preferential policies for enterprises operating in hi-tech parks.

In case the enterprise is subject to many preferential levels, the highest preferential level shall be applied.

3. Allowed to open customs clearance offices in the zones

The establishment and operation of customs clearance offices in centralized IT zones under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance.


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