Labor - Employment

Labor - Employment

2022-05-26 17:39:25 936

ATA Legal Services provides legal services on labor and employment for both enterprises and employees, especially in labor-related disputes. With a team of lawyers having in-depth knowledge of employment law, we can give advice in all aspects of the labor field.

The legal services, that ATA Legal Services provides, include:

  • Consult and disseminate knowledge of labor law for individuals and enterprises;
  • Consult, draft, and review employment contracts or documents related to employment like internal labor regulations, and collective labor agreements;
  • Instruct on obtaining work permits and temporary residence cards for foreigners in Vietnam;
  • Act as a mediator in labor disputes between employees and employers;
  • Directly participate as a lawyer, a defender of rights and interests for clients, or as an authorized representative in court on labor disputes between parties;
  • Assist employees or employers in resolving disputes arising from the termination of employment contracts.


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