2022-10-07 16:37:32 506

In order to improve the training quality of professional legal training institutions in Vietnam, on 30/9/2022, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 1155/QD-TTg approving the Project of “Continue to develop the Judicial Academy into a major center for training judicial titles” (“Decision 1155”) and Decision No. 1156/QD-TTg on the approval of the Proposal the overall project of “Continue to develop Hanoi Law University and Ho Chi Minh City University of Law into key schools for training law officers” (“Decision 1156”).

1. The Project on developing Judicial Academy into a major center for training judicial titles under Decision 1155

According to Decision 1155, the Judicial Academy is identified as a major center for training judicial titles, judicial assistants, civil servants and public employees under the state management of the Ministry of Justice; for training civil servants, public employees and officials practicing legal works at other ministries, branches, localities, organizations and individuals in need.

With the orientation to 2030, the Judicial Academy has really become a large and prestigious center in training and fostering judicial titles, judicial assistants, in-house lawyers in Vietnam and positioned in the region, the Project has set out the objectives,  specific targets on training and fostering in the following fields and occupations:

  • Regarding training: Vocational training for lawyers; notary profession; judges, prosecutors; the civil judgment enforcement profession, the auction profession and redundancy profession.
  • Regarding fostering: Fostering lawyers, notaries, bailiffs, execution professions for accountants in execution of judgments, judicial civil servants – households; fostering according to the standards of civil servants/ professional titles of public officials; and other knowledge, skills and professional expertise required by the job position.

In addition, in order to improve the quality of training and fostering, the Project also set out specific objectives on the development of training programs, digitization, applied scientific research activities for training and fostering judicial titles and officials doing legal works and international cooperation, such as:

  • Develop 05 new training programs; 16 new refresher programs; Grow the organic teaching staff to 105 lecturers, bringing the total number of lecturers who have held judicial titles to about 25% compared to the total number of organic lecturers by 2030.
  • Improve and improve the quality of training materials to meet the needs of face-to-face and online learning through the digitization of tables; curricula and situational dossiers of training and retraining programs (by 2030, 70% of lectures and 100% of textbooks and case files of training and retraining programs will be digitized); Applying advanced and modern teaching and learning methods, associated with the application of information technology.
  • Continue to strengthen existing international cooperation relationships, proactively connect and expand cooperation with training and scientific research institutions of countries inside and outside the region and organization.

2. The project to develop Hanoi Law University and Ho Chi Minh City University of Law into key schools for training legal officers under Decision 1156

According to Decision 1156, Hanoi Law University and Ho Chi Minh City University of Law are identified as key schools for training law officers; the leading legal research and dissemination center in Vietnam's legal training institutions, has a leading role in the system of law training institutions of the country, prestigious in Southeast Asia and the world.

In order to realize the above general objectives, Decision 1156 has set out specific objectives for each period (phase 1 from 2022 – 2025 and phase 2 from 2026 – 2030) related to:

  • Training: increase the size of students, trainees, phD students (phase 1 is 36,000 and phase 2 is 49,000 students, trainees, phD students), and increase the number and quality of lecturers to ensure that the student/lecturer ratio from January 25 in 2025 decreases to January 20 by 2030. Continued training in the fields of law; development of new training disciplines and majors at university and master's levels; continue to develop high-quality training programs, especially develop a variety of programs and expand training forms including basic training, advanced training, training according to orders of organizations and enterprises.
  • Scientific research; promoting scientific research (professors, associate professors and doctors all participate in and preside over scientific research projects), and strive to increase the number of scientific articles and research published in prestigious scientific journals in the world (by 2030, there will be at least 200 articles per year on average).
  • Disseminating and propagating the law, providing legal advice, legal assistance and serving the community through increasing the number of cases consulted for clients in the field of law (through the consultation of students and lecturers); organizing legal dissemination and dissemination programs.
  • Human resources and organizational apparatus: increase the number of organic lecturers, and improve the level of lecturers to ensure that 40-45% of lecturers have doctoral degrees, 25-30% of lecturers have the title of professors, associate professors, at least 50% of lecturers are proficient in foreign languages in the period 2026 - 2030; improve the foreign language proficiency of the teaching staff; increase strengthening the exchange of lecturers with foreign law training institutions.
  • Domestic and international cooperation: actively cooperate with domestic and foreign training institutions, by 2030 reach 150 agreements with foreign training institutions; 85-100 domestic cooperation agreements. In addition to teaching cooperation, it also organizes international litigation and litigation activities in English to improve the foreign language and professional capacity of lecturers and students.
  • Facilities and information technology: continue to invest and complete spacious and modern facilities at Campus 2 of Hanoi Law University in Tu Son city, Bac Ninh province; upgrade, renovate and modernize facilities at the head office in Hanoi Capital and the University's Branch in Dak Lak province. the construction project of Ho Chi Minh City University of Law in Long Phuoc Ward, Thu Duc City; project in Ward 7, Da Lat city, Lam Dong province and investment preparation procedures For the construction of a training institution of Ho Chi Minh City University of Law in Cam Phuc Bac ward, Cam Ranh city, Khanh Hoa province. Promote the application of information technology in management, teaching and learning.


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