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On July 24, 2024, the Government issued Decree No. 94/2024/ND-CP (“Decree 94”) guiding the 2023 Law on Real Estate Business regarding the construction and management of information systems and databases on housing and the real estate market. Accordingly, with the increasingly completed database system, organizations and individuals can access and exploit information about housing and the real estate market more easily and transparently.

1. Addition of Multiple Content Items Compiled in the Housing and Real Estate Market Database

1.1. National Housing Data

  • Compared to previous regulations, Decree 94 has added groups of information and data regarding:
  • Housing in the general population and housing census; mid-term population and housing census;
  • he status of issuance of land use rights certificates and property ownership associated with the land;
  • Individuals who have purchased, rented, or rent-to-own social housing nationwide, compiled from local housing data;
  • Organizations and individuals of foreign nationality owning housing in Vietnam nationwide, compiled from local housing data;
  • Housing for resettlement purposes nationwide, compiled from local housing data;
  • Existing and currently used official residences nationwide, compiled from local housing data;
  • Housing support programs under national target programs and other housing support programs according to legal regulations nationwide, compiled from local housing databases.

1.2. Local Housing Data

For local housing data, additional information and data are included on:

  • Programs, plans for housing development, and the results of developing various types of housing with two main contents: Renovation, reconstruction of apartment buildings, and development of mixed-use housing;
  • Individuals who have purchased, rented, or rent-to-own social housing in the area;
  • Organizations and individuals of foreign nationality owning housing in Vietnam in the area;
  • Housing for resettlement purposes in the area;
  • Existing and currently used official residences in the area;

Housing support programs under national target programs and other housing support programs according to legal regulations in the area.

1.3. National Real Estate Market Data

Additional information and data on the national real estate market include:

  • Taxes on real estate transfer activities;
  • The number and value of real estate transactions through notarization and certification activities compiled from local real estate market data.

Additionally, more information and data on real estate service businesses across the country are compiled from local real estate market data.

1.4. Local Real Estate Market Data

Additional information and data on the local real estate market include:

  • Foreign direct investment in real estate business in the area;
  • Issuance of investment certificates for various types of real estate projects in the area;
  • The number and value of real estate transactions through notarization and certification activities in the area;
  • Residential land for auction and the auction situation of residential land of public investment projects to build infrastructure for housing areas for auctioning land use rights for individuals to self-build housing;
  • Information and data on real estate service businesses.

The addition of multiple content items in the data will help increase market transparency, minimize risks for organizations and individuals participating in transactions, thereby attracting more capital to the real estate market.

2. Unification of a Single National Electronic Portal for Accessing Housing and Real Estate Market Data

Previously, Decree 44/2022/ND-CP stipulated that agencies, organizations, and individuals could exploit and use housing and real estate market data at the general information portal and the websites of the Department of Construction.

However, Decree 94 affirms that the single electronic portal serving agencies, organizations, and individuals in the publication, searching of information, and sharing of data nationwide is:

For the collection, updating of information, data integration, it will also be centralized at:

Decree 94/2024/ND-CP takes effect from August 1, 2024, and replaces Decree 44/2022/ND-CP.


Từ khóa:  Decree 94




real estate market


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