2023-06-23 15:25:01 1287

On January 9, 2023, the National Assembly promulgated Resolution 81/2023/QH15 on the 2021 – 2030 national master plan, vision to 2050 ("Resolution 81"). This is the first time the National Assembly has issued a master plan for the whole country, creating orientation and motivation for Vietnam's economic development. Accordingly, by 2030, the National Assembly aims that Vietnam will be a developing country with modern industry, high average income, and economic growth based on science and technology with an average GDP growth rate of 7% per year.

In order to implement the objectives in Resolution 81, on June 16, 2023, the Government promulgated Resolution 90/NQ-CP on the Government's action program to implement Resolution No. 81 and the implementation plan of the 2021 - 2030 national master plan for the period 2021 – 2030, vision to 2050 ("Resolution 90").

Accordingly, in the period of 2021 – 2030, the Government will focus on implementing plans on the basis of the following orientations:

1. Focus on public investment and call for foreign investment for technical and social infrastructure projects

  • For public investment, in the immediate term (2021 – 2025 period): focus on implementing large-scale technical infrastructure projects of inter-regional, inter-provincial nature and connecting national dynamic regions, economic corridors such as North-South, East-West expressways, Long Thanh International Airport, etc  North-South high-speed railway... Then, in the period of 2026 - 2030: research and build investment projects on technical infrastructure (including transport, irrigation, and disaster prevention infrastructure...) and social infrastructure (educational and training institutions, hospitals, high-tech center systems, innovation...) in the orientation;
  • For attracting foreign investment: The Prime Minister has issued the National List of projects calling for foreign investment in the period of 2021 – 2025 (Decision 1831/QD-TTg dated 01/11/2021).

2. Prioritize land funds for social security objectives, and strictly control rice and forest land

  • The State shall give priority to land funds for educational, health, social, cultural, physical training, sports, social housing, and housing needs for industrial park workers;
  • Manage the area of land for rice cultivation, strictly control the conversion of rice land, and only allow flexibility to change the structure of crops and livestock on rice land but do not change the nature and conditions of use of rice land so that it can be converted back to rice cultivation when necessary.
  • Strictly manage protective forest land, special-use forest land, protect the area and restore natural forests.

3. Develop mechanisms to prioritize the development of dynamic zones and economic corridors

  • Building specific and outstanding institutions, mechanisms, and policies that are breakthrough and highly internationally competitive;
  • Prioritize resource concentration and attract foreign investment.

4. Orientations to attract foreign investment for development-promoting domains associated with sustainable development and high-tech sectors

a. Priority areas: clean energy (wind power, solar power), improving environmental quality, culture, education, health, science, technology, and innovation.

b. Measures:

  • Promote administrative reform, improve and further improve the quality of the investment and business environment, create favorable conditions for economic sectors, ensure healthy, equal, and transparent competition.
  • Strongly innovate policies and ways to attract foreign investment and synchronously prepare conditions such as infrastructure, institutions, and human resources... to increase the efficiency of foreign investment to serve development goals.
  • Attracting large enterprises with prestige and financial capacity, advanced technology, high technology, modern management system, and leading multinational corporations in the world.

5. Promote equitization

  • Accelerate state capital divestment and equitization of state-owned enterprises not on the list that the State needs to hold;
  • Definitively solve the situation of investment spread out, outside the main business sector.

Resolution 90 takes effect from June 16, 2023.


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