2022-09-16 14:58:39 429

Recently, a series of tragic fires occurred at karaoke service businesses, causing tremendous damages to both people and properties. At the same time, the problem of karaoke businesses not ensuring security and order also makes people extremely angry. In order to restrain this situation, on September 8, 2022, the Government Office issued Documentary 5910/VPCP-NC (“Documentary 5910”) providing the situation of fire and security and order at karaoke businesses with the goal of strictly controlling business activities and safety and security conditions of karaoke businesses.

There are some notable points in Documentary 5910:

1. Tightening karaoke business conditions

This is one of the main guiding contents in Documentary 5910. Accordingly, the Government requested the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to advise on amending and supplementing the current legal provisions on karaoke business:

+ The licensing of karaoke services must be stricter;

+ Supplement regulations on the validity period of the karaoke service business license;

+ The licensing process must be based on conditions of fire prevention and fighting (FPF), and security and order (SO) of competent authorities;

+ Impose higher penalties on karaoke businesses that violate the provisions of law.

 2. Intensify inspection, examination and comprehensive management of operations of karaoke businesses

+ Strengthen the inspection, examination and tighten the state management of karaoke business, thereby sanctioning, revoking licenses, suspending the operation of businesses that are not eligible for FPF and SO.

+ Strengthen the state management of labor and prevention of social evils at karaoke service establishments;

+ Strengthening the state management of advertising, marketing and trading alcohol and beer at karaoke service establishments;

+ 100% of karaoke service establishments are required to have a second escape route (through balconies, loggias, roof entrances, rope ladders, pipes, etc.);

+ Attribute personal responsibility and have sanctions for the head of the local government if the karaoke business establishment is unqualified and unpermitted.

The simultaneous implementation of measures and the participation of Ministries, departments, agencies and the entire local political system has been indicating the determination of the Government of Vietnam in turning karaoke service business into a healthy and safe entertainment activity.

Documentary 5910 was effective from the issuance date.


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