2022-07-29 16:32:41 838

These are remarkable contents in Decree 47/2022/NĐ-CP (“Decree 47”) on 19/07/2022 amending, supplementing regulations in Decree 10/2020/NĐ-CP (“Decree 10”) on auto transport business and conditions for auto transport business.

Accordingly, Decree 47 supplemented a number of conditions for auto transport business. Specifically: in Decree 10, the Government only forbids the use of converted cars in the taxi business, but until Decree 47, this prohibition is generally applied to all kinds of passenger transport. Specifically, Decree 47 complemented to Article 13.3 of Decree 10: “Cars having fewer than 10 seats (including the driver) converted from cars having at least 10 seats are prohibited from being used in the passenger transport business”.

However, in case the converted cars are accorded a signage in advance of the effective date of Decree 47, they shall continue to be used for the passenger transport business until the expiry of the service life of such signage.

Particularly for taxi business, Decree 47 had a facilitation when removing the conditions applied to cars participating in this field. Specifically, in order to participate in passenger transport, taxis are required to meet:

  1. General conditions applied to automobiles used for passenger transport (in accordance with Article 13 of Decree 10 amended by Decree 47 as aforementioned);
  2. Having fewer than 9 seats (including the driver) and the service life within 12 years (starting from the year of manufacture) (this condition remains unchanged as specified in Decree 10);
  3. Cars, of which appearance resembles those with at least 09 seats (including the driver), are prohibited from taxi business (removing the prohibition regulation of automobiles having “similar size” with those having at least 09 seats in Decree 10);
  4. Allow using “cars having fewer than 09 seats converted from those having exact 09 seats (including the driver)” (not the type with the capacity from 10 people or more) can be converted into cars having  the capacity less than 09 people (including the driver) (formerly, Decree 10 forbad using these type of automobiles as taxies, however, this prohibition has been removed from Decree 47).

Besides, Decree 47 supplemented a number of obligations for transport businesses.

  1. Obligations of the transport businesses, drivers, staffs serving on automobiles (if any) in requesting the consignor for precise and adequate information when receiving car consignment goods. The detailed information includes: “Name of the goods, weight of the goods (if any); full name, address, identity card/citizen identification card number, contact number of the consignor and recipient”.
  2. From 01/07/2023, transport businesses using automobiles for transport business which are subject to camera installation, are required to install automobile tracker with integrated camera to obtain signages badges and signs in case of first-time transport business operation.

Decree 47 shall take effect from 01/09/2022.


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